Vesna Đukić
E-mail: vesna@bos.rs
Vesna Đukić is the General Director of the Belgrade Open School. She manages organization, human and financial resources, she supervises and coordinates the work of all teams and programme areas of BOS, and she monitors the realization of all projects. She represents BOS in all legal and business relationships, in relevant networks, workgroups, associations in the public, civil and business sector. In the past 20 years, she has systematically and financially overlooked over 400 projects, the goal of which was the development of human resources, public, business and civil sector strengthening, as well as the development of public policies in the fields of good governance, European integration, energy, climate and the environment, education reform, information society, youth policies, interreligious dialogue, improvement of employability etc. She majored in oriental philology and completed her postgraduate studies in linguistics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. She worked as an assistant for the Persian language at the department of Orientalistics of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. She worked as a translator and court interpreter for Arabic. She furthered her professional development in Egypt, Libya, Iran and Russia. She has years worth of training experience, and as one of the prominent experts in using the simulation method, she has held over 200 training courses and trainings on the topics of social and political skills, teamwork, communication, negotiation, decision making, managing organization, leadership and public advocating in Serbia and the region. She was a trainer supervisor for the civil society development in Serbia. She is a member of the Council for the professional development of local government employees, the workgroup for developing career guidance and counseling service standards proposal and the Open adult education coordination method. She participated in the drafting of the Career Guidance and Counseling Strategy and was a member of the Workgroup for the Implementation of the Career Guidance and Counseling Strategy in the Republic of Serbia, as well as a member of the Lifelong Entrepreneurial Learning Council. She was a member of the Subcommittee for media, information society and civil society of the Open Society Foundations Serbia. She has been a member of the Serbian Association of Managers’ Managing Board since 2017.

Milorad Bjeletić
E-mail: milorad@bos.rs
Milorad Bjeletić is Chief Executive Officer of the Belgrade Open School. Apart from his daily managerial duties, he coordinates a large number of projects at BOS, the most important projects being those that encourage a more active role of the civil society in the European integration process, strengthening the administration for EU integration, as well as international projects in the field of education and research, practical policy development projects and other projects that support the democratic development of society. As a lawyer, he furthered his professional development during both longer and shorter study trips to Norway, the USA, Great Britain and many more EU countries. Since 1998, he has been a lecturer and trainer at dozens of seminars and educational programs in Serbia and former Yugoslavia, on topics in the fields of civil society development, management in non-governmental organizations and parties, project management, decision making and negotiation, European integration and information society development. He participated in a great number of international conferences and edited a couple of Collections of Essays, and books (mostly published by BOS). He was a member of the Open Society Foundation Serbia’s Executive Board and president of the subcommittee for education and youth (2002-2007), and a member of the council for student initiative program, as part of the Open Society Foundation in London (2009-2014), the counselor of the Institute of International Education (USA, Budapest) in scholarship and project support programs in Serbia (since 2005). He is a member of the Selection Committee at the Philip Morris International company and a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia’s Labor Task Force.

Vladimir Pavlović
E-mail: vmpavlovic@bos.rs
Vladimir Pavlović is the Programme Director at Belgrade Open School. He is involved in designing and developing project ideas at BOS, coordinating project activities, the goal of which is to further public policies which are at the center of BOS operations, and providing professional support for designing and conducting public advocacy campaigns and for drafting policy papers. His fields of interest are: the process of creating practical policies, and the European Union’s legal system. He is the author of multiple manuals, and guidebooks dealing with the different aspects of the European integration process in Serbia. He is a certified trainer for teaching writing practical policy proposals (LGI Budapest) and for negotiation and mediation (Carr, Swanson &Randolph LLC). He was a student of the IX generation of Belgrade Open School’s educational programme ‘'Future Studies'’.

Davorka Tomanović Baralić
E-mail: dada@bos.rs
Davorka Tomanović Baralić is the Office Manager and Librarian of BOS. She has an MA in Art History. She passed the professional state exam for a librarian at the National Library of Serbia. She has been working at the Belgrade Open School since 1995. Through various tasks and obligations, she contributes to the realization of school activities. She is also a member of the BOS Assembly.

Nataša Pajović
E-mail: natasa@bos.rs
Nataša Pajović – Financial Manager. She is in charge of writing up financial reports for the projects realized by BOS. She graduated from Prva ekonomska skola (High school of economics).

Vlado Vranešević
E-mail: vranesevic@bos.rs
Vlado Vranešević, as an IT manager leads the ICT support team. His expertise extends to designing and developing web platforms used in the daily work and training of Beogradska Otvorena Škola students. Through managing and coordinating the ICT sector, Vlado continuously works on enhancing the digital literacy and skills of the school’s employees. His rich experience includes authoring multiple interactive CD readers and creating over 50 multimedia DVDs. Additionally, he conceptualizes and conducts training sessions, contributes to the production and graphic preparation of books, manuals, brochures, and infographics for both print and multimedia editions at Beogradska Otvorena Škola. Vlado has been a part of the school’s team since 2003.

Mirjana Jovanović
E-mail: mirjana.jovanovic@bos.rs
Mirjana Jovanović is a Programme Manager in Belgrade open School, in the Energy, Climate, and the Environment program area. She is responsible for the development of the program area, project development, and management of the team activities in the implementation of projects in areas of energy, climate change, and environmental policy. She completed her MA in Environmental and Energy Management at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Previously, she has graduated from the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade. She has gained her project experience by working in the civil sector, as well as student and professional associations.

Ognjan Pantić
E-mail: ognjan.pantic@bos.rs
Ognjan Pantic is a Programme Manager within the Energy, Climate, and the Environment program area. Through his work, he takes part in developing project ideas and writing project proposals, overviews and coordinates project implementation in the area of environment protection, energy and climate change. He has Bachelor's Degree in International Politics and Masters Degree in Environmental Policy, both from University of Belgrade-Faculty of Political Science. He was a student of the XXII generation of the Belgrade Open School educational programme Future Studies.

Tamara Arsić
E-mail: tamara.arsic@bos.rs
Tamara Arsić is project manager in Belgrade Open School. She contributes to the preparation, organization and realization of project activities within European integration and Civil Society Development programs. She contributes in activities of the “Let’s talk about Negotiations” initiative, especially through creating content for monthly e-newsletter, for its website and for the ‘E(U) Dojava’ platform. Tamara has Bachelor degree in International Affairs, and Master degrees in Criminology and International Security. During her studies, she was a part of XXII generation of ‘Future Studies’ Program and was an intern in German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ).

Marina Lukić
E-mail: marina.lukic@bos.rs
Marina Lukić is project manager within the Improvement of Employability programme area. Marina is engaged in domestic and international projects in the field of education, employment, career guidance, and counseling. She graduated in adult education from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She gained her experience by engaging in non-governmental and business sectors in the areas of social inclusion of youth with disabilities, professional orientation, and human resources. She coordinated with Career Sector at the Center for Career Development of the Faculty of Philosophy and demonstrated on the course recruitment and selection in human resources.

Bojana Džulović
E-mail: bojana.dzulovic@bos.rs
Bojana Džulović is a project manager in Belgrade Open School. She contributes to the preparation, organization and realization of project activities within European integration and Civil Society Development programs. Bojana has Bachelor degree in Political Science. She gained her previous work experience in the non-governmental sector. She spent seven years at the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability - CRTA, working on improvement of the transparency and openness of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia through the Open Parliament Initiative. She spent over five years working with young people leading the educational program “Democracy Academy”.

Lazar Jovčić
E-mail: lazar.jovcic@bos.rs
Lazar Jovcic is a Project Manager at the program area Energy, Climate and Environment. He works on raising capacities of civil society organisations in Serbia, overlooks the project implementation and coordinates the organisation of different project activities. He was a student at the Faculty of Political Sciences where he received bachelor's degree in Politicology. He was a student of the XXVI generation of the "Future Studies", educational programme of Belgrade Open School.

Marija Milosavljević
E-mail: marija.milosavljevic@bos.rs
Marija Milosavljević is a Project Manager at Belgrade Open School. Participates in the preparation, organization and implementation of projects within the program area of Employability and career counseling. As part of her duties, she coordinates career guidance and counseling activities and provides career counseling services. She is the author of several trainings and manuals in the field of career guidance intended for career practitioners. She is an accredited trainer at the Institute for the Improvement of Education and Training. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade at the Department of Andragogy, where she also completed her master's studies.

Iva Svilar
E-mail: iva.svilar@bos.rs
Iva Svilar is a project manager in the Energy, Climate, and the Environment program area. She is responsible for project coordination and monitoring in this programme area and development and preparation of new projects. She completed her master studies at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, study program Ecological engineering for soil and water resources protection, and bachelor studies at the same faculty, study program Forestry. Previous experience is mostly related to implementation of projects in nature protection and wildlife, water protection and alignment of the national legislation with the EU acquis in the area of environment and climate change.

Sanja Žarković
E-mail: sanja.ilic@bos.rs
Sanja Ilić is an Project Coordinator at the program area Energy, Climate, and Environment. Through her work, she takes part in preparing, organizing, and implementing the activities in this program area. She is an advanced student at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš, during her studies she took a part in Legal Clinic Projects. She acquired non-formal education through different seminars, schools, and working shops while her working experience gained in the private sector.

Branislav Cvetković
E-mail: branislav.cvetkovic@bos.rs
Branislav Cvetković is a Project Coordinator at the Belgrade Open School in the field of civil society development and EU integration. Through his work he creates and edits content for online platforms transformator.bos.rs and eupregovori.bos.rs. He also takes part in creating training program and study visits, and also writing different types of articles for monthly newsletter „Let’s talk about Negotiations“. Branislav graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Studies, University of Belgrade. He got his Master’s degree in International security on the same faculty.

Miljana Jovanović
E-mail: miljana.jovanovic@bos.rs
Miljana Jovanović is a Project Coordinator at the Belgrade Open School in the field of civil society development and EU integration.Through her work she contributes to the successful preparation, organization and implementation of current projects. She has graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Studies, University of Belgrade. She got her Master’s degree in International security on the same faculty.

Milica Terzić
E-mail: milica.terzic@bos.rs
Milica Terzić is a project coordinator in the field of civil society development. She participates in the preparation, organization and implementation of project activities within this program field. She graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Journalism. At the same Faculty, she completed her Master's studies at the Department of Social Policy. During her studies, she volunteered in the media and non-governmental organizations, and gained work experience in that sector.

Marko Pajović

Angelina Ivanović
E-mail: angelina.ivanovic@bos.rs
Angelina Ivanović is a Project Coordinator in the field of Civil Society Development. Through her work, she coordinates and implements project tasks from the mentioned programme field. She graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences University of Belgrade, department of Political Science and at the same faculty, she completed a Master`s degree - International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. She gained previous experience in the non-governmental sector and international organizations.
The area of research interest for her, is the analysis the position of vulnerable groups in society in the context of identification of non-implementation level of social and economic rights and action to improve the situation. In addition to the research approach, she active participates in independent domestic and international election observation missions.

Filip Ljubojević
E-mail: filip.ljubojevic@bos.rs
Filip Ljubojević is the Coordinator at the Future Studies educational program. Through his responsibilities, he defines the strategic directions of the program development, implements program activities, and defines and monitors the development plan of students. In cooperation with program teams, he prepares project proposals and implements strategic partnerships. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, at the Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures. He was a student of the XXIX generation of the Future Studies program.

Miloš Golubović
E-mail: milos.golubovic@bos.rs
Miloš Golubović is a Project Coordinator at the Belgrade Open School. Through his responsibilities, he contributes to the preparation, organization and implementation of project activities within the program areas of European integration and civil society development. He graduated from the International Business College in Kosovska Mitrovica at the Department for Management of Environmental Protection and Agriculture. He gained his previous work experience in the non-governmental sector in Kosovo. He spent over twelve years in the Community Building Mitrovica - CBM working on the development of civil society, civil activism as well as peace and reconciliation between communities in Kosovo.

Maja Popović
E-mail: maja.popovic@bos.rs
Maja Popović is a Project Coordinator at Belgrade Open School. She contributes to the preparation, organization and realization of project activities within the European integration and Civil Society Development programs. She encourages cooperation and networking of CSOs, the media and informal groups, and provides support to CSOs in defining their needs and strengthening internal capacities. Maja has a Bachelor degree in Sociology Sience. She gained her previous work experience in the non-governmental sector. She spent ten years in the Mental Disability Rights Initiative MDRI-S, working on advocacy for the rights of persons with mental disabilities. For over five years, she has been involved in empowering people with disabilities for self-advocacy.

Jelena Ivković
E-mail: jelena.ivkovic@bos.rs
Jelena Ivković is a project coordinator within the program area of Energy, Climate, and Environment. Through her work, she contributes to the design, preparation, organization, and implementation of activities within this program area. She has gained professional experience in the civil and public sector and has attended numerous trainings, seminars, and informal education programs. She completed her studies at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade, specializing in Prevention and Treatment of Behavioral Disorders. She is an alumna of the Center for Women's Studies in Belgrade and a member of the Selection Committee of activists for the "Active Communities" program of the Trag Foundation.

Nemanja Petrović
E-mail: nemanja.petrovic@bos.rs
Nemanja Petrović is a Project Coordinator at Belgrade Open School. Through his duties, he contributes to the preparation, organization, and realization of project activities within the Improvement of Employability programme area. He gained previous experience working in civil sector and international organizations. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš at the Department of Sociology.

Milja Zdravković
E-mail: milja.zdravkovic@bos.rs
Milja Zdravković is a Project Coordinator in the field of Civil Society Development and European Integration. Through her engagement, she is involved in the preparation and implementation of activities within these program areas, as well as communication with partners and collaborators on projects. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences. She gained her project experience at the National Youth Council of Serbia and is currently attending training for youth workers.

Sara Stamenković
E- mail: sara stamenkovic@bos.rs
Sara Stamenkovic is a Project Coordinator in the field of Civil Society Development and Employability, career guidance and counselling. She contributes to preparing, organizing, and implementing activities within this program area. She completed her bachelor’s in Social work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade. Currently, she is studying a Master's module in Political Psychology at the Faculty of Media and Communications.

Aleksandar Bogdanović
E-mail: aleksandar.bogdanovic@bos.rs
Aleksandar Bogdanović is researcher at the Belgrade Open School. He gained professional experience through many years of engagement in the non-governmental and public sector. He worked in European Movement in Serbia on improving the position of youth in Serbia from 2007 to 2013, after which he was responsible for the development, coordination of research projects and quality assurance of the research outputs. Also, his previous civic engagement includes work for the Coalition for the Development of Solidarity Economy and Jelena Šantić Foundation. He gained experience in the public sector as The European Affairs and International Cooperation Coordinator in the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. He has extensive experience in project cycle management and advocacy. Aleksandar Bogdanovic graduated from the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. He speaks English. He is the author of the blog Moje Braničevo where he records stories from his hometown.

Aleksandar Stankić
E-mail: stankic@bos.rs
Aleksandar Stankić works as Programmer at the Belgrade Open School. He works on the making and maintenance of BOS websites and internet platforms, via which Belgrade Open School conducts its activities. He also works on the maintenance of servers and internet services used by the Belgrade Open School. He has been working at the Belgrade Open School since 2007.

Ana Vranešević
E-mail: ana.vranesevic@bos.rs
Ana Vranešević is working as a Web Developer at the Belgrade Open School since 2015. She is a part of the ICT support team, and within the position she deals with the design, development, production, administration, and maintenance of BOS websites. Ana is responsible for the user interface, site navigation, content layout and for functioning in interaction with users. In addition, she deals with UI / UX design, as well as graphic design, preparation of project materials, layout of publications and preparation of materials for printing. Also, a large part of her work is user and technical support to colleagues from the Belgrade Open School. She graduated from ITAcademy, PHP development.

Ivana Tomić
E-mail: ivana.tomic@bos.rs
Ivana Tomić is an assistant in the field of IT Infrastructure Administration. His work contributes to the assembly of PC hardware, booting the operating system, local network design, installation of servers and network services. She is in charge of updating the existing and implementing new software, as well as configuring the server architecture. She completed her basic professional studies at the Belgrade Academy of Business and Art Studies, University of Belgrade, in the field of Information Systems and Technologies. Even during her studies, her interests were related to working within the IT infrastructure, and she gained her first work experience as a demonstrator at the Faculty of Computer Networks.

Miodrag Dragicevic
E-mail: miodrag.dragicevic@bos.rs
Miodrag Dragičević is an assistant in the field of IT system administration. He works on server maintenance and configuration, website programming and PC assembly. His knowledge stands out in working with Linux-base operating systems. He acquired his knowledge as a participant of the IT Academy with the Network Administrator course, and at the Belgrade Open School gained his first work experience.

Radinka Janjuš

Aleksandar Gajić
E-mail: aleksandar.gajic@bos.rs
Aleksandar deals with legal and general affairs at the Belgrade Open School. Through his obligations, he designs agreements with partners, creates guidelines for improving collaboration, and provides mentoring to project partners. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. During his studies, he gained informal education in the fields of anti-corruption, transparency and youth activism. He has worked as a Trainee Attorney at Law and has worked on various projects of non-government organizations.

Gordana Petković
E-mail: gordana.petkovic@bos.rs
Gordana Petković holds the position of financial and administrative affairs coordinator at Belgrade Open School. Gordana has acquired professional skills in the field of finance and accounting while working with both civil and public sector.

Bojana Bulatović
E-mail: bojana.bulatovic@bos.rs
Bojana Bulatović works as a coordinator in finance department of the Belgrade Open School and is in charge of planning, financial management and reporting of projects at BOS. She gained years of work experience in corporate environment, controlling IPA funds, as well as working in civil sector. By education, Bojana is a law graduate with a passed bar exam. At first on a personal level, and later professionally, her investment in the civil sector began with volunteer work in a foundation. Analysis of international and national legislation practice is a constant hobby for her, while the fight for equality and fairness is a character trait.

Boris Čukić
E-mail: boris.cukic@bos.rs
Boris Čukić is a Financial Coordinator at Belgrade Open School, in the program area Energy, Climate and Environment. He is in charge of control, preparation and production of financial reports in the field of environmental protection, energy and climate change. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, majoring in Agroeconomics. He has many years of work experience in the non-governmental sector.

Olivera Ilić
E-mail: olivera.ilic@bos.rs
Olivera Ilić works as a coordinator in finance department of the Belgrade Open School and is in charge of planning and reporting of projects at BOS. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. She gained experience in the field of finance by working on different projects within the civil sector.

Maša Pavlović
E-mail: masa.pavlovic@bos.rs
Maša Pavlović is the financial coordinator in charge of financial and project reporting at Belgrade Open School. She gained professional experience in the field of finance and project management through many years of work in the civil sector, primarily in the Mental Disability Rights Initiative, MDRI-S.

Jovana Krstić
E-mail: jovana.krstic@bos.rs
Jovana Krstić is employed as a Financial and Administrative Assistant at Belgrade Open School. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Prilep, majoring in International Economics and Business, and spent her final year of studies on an Erasmus+ student exchange in Turkey. She previously worked as a Procurement Specialist.

Maja Parežanin
E-mail: maja.bursac@bos.rs
Maja Parežanin is Communication Team Coordinator. She takes part in design and implementation of communication activities of Belgrade Open School.
Maja coordinates the communication team of BOS, leads and improves communication and cooperation of BOS with partners and the media. She has acquired professional skills in the field of public relations and digital marketing while working with the both civil and business sector. She has Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Master's degree in Political Sciences - Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade.

Dana Tasovac
E-mail: dana.tasovac@bos.rs
Dana Tasovac is an graphic designer. Within her work, she contributes to the creation of visual solutions for the organization's needs, the preparation of materials for print and for the website, and the adaptation of existing graphic solutions for web and print materials. She completed her bachelor and master studies at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad on the Engineering Management study program, majoring in Industrial Marketing and Media Engineering. She obtained her graphic designer certificate at the ITAcademy at the Department of Design and Multimedia, majoring in Print and Graphic Design. She gained her first work experience in this field as an intern at Belgrade Open School.

Milica Đerić
E-mail: milica.djeric@bos.rs
Milica Đerić is Communications and Public Relations Coordinator. She takes part in the design and implementation of communication activities of the Belgrade Open School projects within the Energy, Climate, and Environment program area. Milica has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communication - from the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. She has acquired professional skills in the field of public relations and project management while working with the civil sector.

Sandra Pekić
E-mail: sandra.pekic@bos.rs
Sandra Pekić is Communications and Public Relations Coordinator. She takes part in design and implementation of communication activities of Belgrade Open School projects within European integration and Civil Society Development programs. She has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communication - the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. After extensive experience in various media, Sandra has acquired professional skills in the field of public relations and communication while working with the business sector. She is author of four published novels.

Rajna Bošković
E-mail: rajna.boskovic@bos.rs
Rajna Bošković is a Project Assistant in Belgrade Open School, within the Energy, Climate and Environment program area. Through her duties, she contributes to the preparation, organization and realization of project activities. She completed her basic professional studies at the Belgrade Academy of Business and Art Studies, University of Belgrade, in the field of Finance, Accounting and Banking. She has a work experience in administration.

Janko Jaćović
E-mail: janko.jacovic@bos.rs
Janko Jaćović is a Project Assistant in Belgrade Open School, within the Energy, Climate and Environment program area. Through his duties, he contributes to the successful preparation, organization and realization of current projects. He graduated from the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade, majoring in Ecology. He is currently studying for a master's degree in Environmental Policy at the Faculty of Political Sciences. Janko gained experience by volunteering in various civil society projects in Serbia and abroad on the topic of ecology and environmental protection.

Marija Milenković
E - mail: marija.milenkovic@bos.rs
Marija Milenković is a Project Assistant in the field of civil society development. She participates in the preparation, organization and implementation of project activities within this program field. She is an advanced student at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Politicology. Through practice at various levels of public administration in Serbia, she acquired important organizational, analytical and communication skills as well as an understanding of the functioning of the same administration. She particularly stands out for her involvement in projects related to the strengthening of democracy and democratic rights, as well as the suppression of corruption in Serbia. She was a student of the XXX generation of the "Future Studies", educational programme of Belgrade Open School.

Jovana Jović
E-mail: jovana.jovic@bos.rs
Jovana Jović is a Project Assistant in Belgrade Open School, within the Energy, Climate and Environment program area. Through her duties, she contributes to the organization, preparation and implementation of current projects activities. She completed her basic academic studies at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. She is currently studying for a master's degree in Ecology and Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Biology. She gained work experience by volunteering in various civil society projects on the topic of education, ecology and environmental protection.

Jelena Stojićević
E-mail: jelena.stojicevic@bos.rs
Jelena Stojićević is an assistant on Future Studies educational program. At Future Studies, she participates in the preparation and implementation of program activities, communicates with students, creates and implements regular evaluations of teaching units. Also, her responsibilities include creating content for the program's website page, as well as designing a media campaign to promote the program. Jelena has a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Affairs. She was a student of the XXX generation of the Future Studies program.

Milan Hiber
E-mail: milan.hiber@bos.rs
Milan Hiber is a Project Assistant on projects dealing with EU integration and civil society development. He is an editor of the portal Let’s talk about negotiations, within which he writes news articles, conducts interviews, creates analyses regarding the European integration process of Serbia and the Western Balkan region. Upon completing his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, he became a political scientist for international affairs. He is currently attending the Master’s programme in Peace, Security and Development at the same Faculty. He has also completed multiple courses and summer schools, primarily within the field of Political Theory. He was part of the XXXI generation of Future studies.

Nevena Branković
E-mail: nevena.brankovic@bos.rs
Nevena Branković is a project assistant in the field of civil society development. She is a final-year student at the Faculty of Philology, at the department of Serbian literature with South Slavic Literatures. Through her work, she contributes to the organization, implementation, and preparation of activities within this program area. Nevena also edits and creates content for the youth portal Mingl.

Tamara Umićević
Email: tamara.umicevic@bos.rs
Tamara Umićević is a Project Assistant Trainee in Belgrade Open School, within the Energy, Climate and Environment program area. Through her duties, she contributes to the successful preparation, organization and realization of current projects. She graduated from the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade with a degree in Ecology. Currently, she is pursuing her master's degree at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, specializing in Environmental Policy. During her studies, she collaborated with the Regional Center for Talents as a participant and researcher. She has prior work experience in organizational tasks.

Esmeralda Lukić
Esmeralda Lukić is in charge of maintaining business premises, devices, decorative items and inventory clean. She looks after the immediate surroundings of the building, vegetation as well as green areas. She takes care of the procurement of materials needed to maintain the premises and takes care of its rational use.